17 Jun The best insurance of 2021

The best insurance of 2021
In our company we have insurance for all services and for any user profile. In addition, with surprising prices that help to save without skimping on quality. Next, we present you the best insurance of 2021.
The DKV group is one of the mayor insurance groups in Europe and it operates in 30 countries. We are specialists in health insurance and taylor-make the coverage to your needs: from the basic one named DKV Famedic Plus for just 23,50€ per month/family unit to our DKV Top Health, the most exclusive one, without no limits, anywhere in the word and to access to any doctor or private hospital worldwide.
And the rest of the insurance list are the following:
- Life insurance. The peace of mind and financial security you want for your family with optional guarentees included total permanent disability and serious illness.
- Funeral Insurance (DKV Family Protection). Covers different funeral and repatriation cots and your family will have personalised assistance with our professional manager who help taking decisions at such a sensitive time. You can add complementary assistance including family legal protection up to 2.000€ in expenses and comprenhensive pet care.
- If your are self employed: Income Protection Insurance. Whatever happens, whether you have an ilness or an accident, protect your income with insurance for sick leave with fast payment, you can choose between: daily benefit or single benefit.
- Accidents Insurance. For you peace of mind get security. Because both you and your family get compensation in the case of death or permanent disability due to an accident.
- Health insurance for companies (from 3 to 50 employees). Tax and Social Benefits for both (company and employees). Healthy employees means more productivity.
- Home insurance DKV Ecohogar. The first environmentally friendly home insurance.
- And more selection as DKV Professional, a multiple-cover insurance with differents policies combined in a single bill.
- Dental Insurance. With more than 50 free dental treatments and others with up to 40% discount. Children under 14 for free with an adult in the policy.
In addition, thanks to our collaboration with DAS we have more services as travel insurance and non-payments and evictions insurance for landlords.
If you need more information about some of our insurances or need us to help you find the one that best suits your personal and professional circumstances, get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist you.